Tuesday, June 30, 2009

PBL 3 Journal 01

Banned Pepsi Commercial:

1. After watching the banned Pepsi Commercial, explain the reason why it is banned?
2. In your opinion, list down other reasons that might cause commercials to be banned?

Write a 100 word journal.
Remember to include your full name / class at the end of your journal.


  1. The commercial may be banned because Pepsi did not ask Coke for their permission to use their product.Pepsi and Coke are rivals.Putting Coke below Pepsi is trying to imply Coke is lousier than Coke.

    Lee Novi 23 1D

  2. The Pepsi Commercial was banned because they did not ask for permission to use Coke.The Commercial also had insult the product,Coke because they put Coke as a low class drink.I think they put it as low class because they are rivals.Some other commercials might also be banned because...Firstly,they did not ask for permission.Secondly,they insulted the product/countries.Thirdly,young people whose age is six to seven may have watch the banned commercials and may follow it.These commercials must be banned as they are giving disrespect to the others...

    Sitti Ummu (15)

  3. The Pepsi Commercial was banned because they were using other people products without even ask for their permission.Firstly,when the boy on the commercial step on two coca-cola cans,it has already given a person impression of coca-cola that it's bad and does not taste as nice as Pepsi.Secondly,they put the coca-cola button the lowest that people could reach whereas the Pepsi button was put up as the highest which we considered as high-class drink than coca-cola.Lastly,when others look and don't understand what is the message it is trying to send,people will think that the Pepsi company is insulting the Coca-cola company

    ~Noor Amirah(10)

  4. The pepsi commercial was banned to put on show because they were using other company product without asking for their permission.As when the boy step on the coca cola can ,people may thing that pepsi company were insulting the coca cola company.

  5. It is because some people may get the wrong idea of the advertisment. Some people may think the advertisment showing of disrupting of public property is a good thing. And i think the pepsi advertisment is not a goood thing to do as it is using other company witnout their permission.

    Muhd Nurhadi(25)

  6. After viewing the commercial,...

    ->The Pepsi Commercial is being banned due to the misunderstanding of using other company's product without permission in their advertisement.
    ->In other words,the Pepsi company should be more aware of the advertisement too. It gives a comparison between Coca-Cola and Pepsi,comparing which drink is more nicer.It shows that Coca-Cola and Pepsi are rivals.
    ->The Coca-Cola's button on the vending machine is the lowest while, the Pepsi's the highest. This shows that people are looking down at Coke and the best for Pepsi. Nearly the end of the commercial, the little boy stepped on the two Coca-Cola drinks in order of him to reached the highest button of the vending machine which is the Pepsi.
    ->It brings disgrace to the Coke company. It shows how the Coke company gave a strong objection in how their product is being potrayed in their rival's advertisement.


  7. i think that they are looking down on the cke company as they purposely put the coke can drink at the bottom of the vending machine .then the pepsi is putted all the way at the top.

    Nurul Shafiqah binte mohd Salleh(12)

  8. the pepsi is being banned due to the misunderstood of the using coka cola can drink without the coke's company permission.

    In other words, this make a lot of people thouht that the pepsi is looking down coke.

    At the adverstiment, the coka cola at the vending machine is at the lowest row.

    However, the pepsi is at the top of the row.
    the little boy who is in the advertisment, bought the coke and use it to climb up to buy the top of the row-pepsi.

    This bring disgrace to the coka cola company.
    So this let the two companies became rivals.

  9. the pepsi commercial was banned as it is trying to tell the viewers that coke is a lousier brand then pepsi and is looking down on it.advertising company should not use other company's product to disgrace.

  10. The pepsi commercial was banned as it disrepect coke. They put coke as the easiest reach button and the child stepping on the coke in oreder to buy pepsi. This tells us that pepsi is nicer then coke and coke is lousier. They also looks down on coke.

    1)Is is sued by coke.
    2)The pepsi company never ask for coke permission and use it in their own commercial.

    Tan Yong Quan(36) 1/D

  11. The pepsi commercial was being banned due to the misunderstanding of using coca cola can drink without the coke's company permission.It also let the viewer think that they are looking down on the coke's company as they put the coca cola can drink at the easiest reach button of the vending machine and put the pepsi at the higher part of it.

  12. The pepsi commercial was banned most likely due to pepsi did not ask for permission from coke to use their product.Secondly,the commercial shows that the boy was stepping on the coke... viewers may think that coke is not drinkable. Placing coke's button lower than pepsi's on the vending machine shows favouratism, disrespect and insulting towards the product.

  13. The pepsi commercial was banned mostly because pepsi did not ask coke for permission . People might think that pepsi is much better than coke . They put the coca cola can drink at the easiest reach button of the vending machine , they also put the pepsi at the higher part of it. That makes people to reach to pepsi more easlier than coke .

    Yingxuan [13] 1D

  14. When the little boy step on the Coca Cola cans, is like the Pepsi company look down on them.

    Using the products without asking for permission.
    Don't use the product wrongly and let the people wrong idea, like it's insulting them like that.

    MINGFANG, 17. 1D'o9 :)

  15. Mostly the advertisement was being banned cause they didnt have the permission from the coca cola company , the pepsi company they just use coca cola company product to flim their own advertisement, somemore they also step on the coca cola product when they are fliming , this show disrespect to the coca cola company .

  16. The Pepsi Commercial was banned because they were using other people products without even ask for their permission.
    They also wanted to show others its the lousier brand .

  17. It was because when they were filming the commercial, they used CocaCola as the base for the little boy to climb up and press the 'Pepsi' button on the vending machine. By doing this, others may think the Pepsi company is looking down on the Coca Cola company. This may effect the Pepsi company's business in future. I think they should use a high base to reach for the Pepsi button.

  18. the viewer think that they are looking down on the coke's company as they put the coca cola can drink at the easiest reach button of the vending machine and put the pepsi at the higher part of it and it's not fair the pepsi commercial was banned as it is trying to tell the viewers that coke is a lousier brand then pepsi.

    Felicia.T 1D :D

  19. The Pepsi Commercial is being banned due to the misunderstanding of using other company's product without permission in their advertisement.
    The Coca-Cola's button on the vending machine is the lowest while, the Pepsi's the highest. This shows that people are looking down at Coke. Atthe end of the commercial, the boy stepped on the two Coca-Cola drinks in order of him to reached the highest button of the vending machine which is the Pepsi.

  20. The Pepsi Commerciai is ban because they use other company's product without using their permission.The Coca Cola's button is put on the vending machine the lowest button and their own Pepsi is put on the highest buttom it show that Pepsi Look down on Coca Cola


  21. The commercial will be banned as the Pepsi did not ask Coke permissions to use their product.Pepsi and Coke are so called rivals,as they are competing in the market .Putting Coke below Pepsi is trying to imply Coke is lousier than Pepsi.

  22. The commercial is funny but will disrupt other brand of things .

    The other brand of thing that they show may sue them ,so they are banned.

    Roy :3

  23. The reason why the Pepsi commercial was banned because ,it actually did not promoted the coke company and hence the company launched a compliant against the Pepsi company and causing a downfall in both the companies. The reasons are that both the companies did not really have a bond within each other causing them to be rivals within themselves and now due to this commercial they have become worse.
    ahila {1}

  24. Yingyi(16) 1D

    They should not use coca-cola can without being approve as the can for the child to step, this is some kind of insulting coca-cola as pepsi is a lot BETTER than coca-cola.They should have use an unknown can or something else for their commercial instead of using others company stuff especially both parties a selling the same things , drinks.

  25. The pepsi Commercial Is Banned,As They Used Coca-Cola Can As A Thing For The Little Boy In The Commercial To Step,This Is An Insult To Coca-Cola Company.Come To Worse,They Placed The Pepsi button the highest,While the Coca-cola Button the lowest,Which means this commercial is to tell everyone,Pepsi is the Best.The Pepsi company also use Coca-cola In their commercial without asking for approve from the Coca-Cola company,I Think even if they did asked for approve,the Coca-Cola Company would not approve as There is too many insult to the Coca-Cola company in their commercial.

    Khor Jin Hui,4,1D
