Thursday, September 24, 2009

PBL 3 Journal 06

Describe your learning points in this PBL 03: Video Production. You should focus on the skills that you have learned and talk about any difficulty that you might have encountered in the entire production process and how the difficulty was finally resolved.

Write at least 100 words and include your name and class at the end of the journal entry.


  1. Yingyi (16) 1D

    Yingyi (16) 1D

    I would not say that i have never encounter any difficulties ,it's just that i haven't think of one. I find that it's easy to use all those video editing programs once you've got the instruction and what we learning is only the basic. We start from the basic so to learn something more advance will not be our weak points.But when we started to record the video is difficult. We cannot find any shops and we were to shy to be in the camera. Hopefully what we recorded has reached teacher's expectation.

  2. We have no time to make the video as we have no time and we are busy with study. We tried to sms to each other and try to make our time free. We alos have no time to take the camera as all of them are busy. At last, we use sitti's digital camera to record. And we have the difficulties to contact the camera owner as she has no hp....

    Tan Yong Quan(36) 1/D

  3. Now, I have learn at least some of the video knowledge in how to use it and film it. Sometimes, it seems difficult to contact with my group members as some days we were not free even after school. But, we did tried a rehearsal at one of our group member's camera. Unfortunately, her camera does not have a USB.So all we have to do is that we need to redo the whole video in camera that has at least a USB. If not, our group marks will be penalized. I tried my best to redo the video with my group members again.


  4. theres some difficulties like where and when we should tape the video.but we plan to tape the video at one of the member's place.the time maybe on the weekend or after school.
    -shaik 1d

  5. I've Learnt Many Things From This Lesson...I Felt Fortunate as we are one of the school having this lesson...we've learn editing...From Start...I think that it is difficult,but as we go on to do more editing,it will be more easy for us...As we keep on doing we will get familiar to it=)But when we are recording a video outside it is kind of difficult as we are recording for our school project not like mediacorp???They are fliming for people to see,Shop owners would be happy if their shop would be shown on television...=)I Hope That We Will Get To Find A Shop For Our Recording!!!!=)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. It is fun and interesting to have this lesson, I love editing videos, its fun and difficult.Sometimes we press the wrong thing and we need to do it again, but as we learn more about video editing, we will realise that it is actually easy. Just that we need more practice.We have difficulty fliming the videos.

    -Yingxuan [13] ,:D

  8. There are many things that i have learnt after this lesson.It is interesting to edit videos as i gain new knowledges after this lesson.There are some difficulties that we face,like;editing of video,choosing of place to shot,what we need to do when filming.Some of the problems like edititng of videos we consult our teacher,other problems that we face we discuss as a group.after all difficulties that we overcome,we end our works fast:)

  9. i have learn how to firm & edit each video .
    We have no time to make the video as we have different things going on each day .
    so we cant find a sitable time to firm properly .
    but at last , we still found out a time to
    firm . (:

  10. I have learn how to flim and edit videos and i also learn that internet and movies might not true and we might have time to flim a videos because we need time to flim it and the time to flim it is not short

  11. I Felt Fortunate as we are one of the school having this lesson we've learn editing.I think that it is difficult,but as we go on to do more editing,it will be more easy for u. As we keep on doing we will get familiar to itBut when we are recording a video outside it is kind of difficult as we are recording for our school project not like mediacorp.

  12. Filming is one thing. Arranging is another. Filming a video is a really difficult thing. Editing is : We regret to inform you Spencer and I, Novi did not edit as we acted. Jason is the cameraman ( not a real success), Ahila is the Director,Script writer.Hate to admit i do not really like the script and i have no idea but had to do it. Of course people will rather watch Mediacorp.

  13. I have learn how to firm,edit video and alot more of things.I have difficulty editing the video but i consult the teacher for help.About the filming ,we firm our video during weekends,but we have difficulties when filming.We overcome the problem in a group and we have a great time filming the video and editing it too.

  14. i have learn how to flim and how to work as a more cooperative team .
    althought there are quite a number of problem during doing the project .
    sometimes , we dont even have time to meet up to do the project .

  15. i have learnt filming and video editing in media literacy.the difficulties that i have encountered are learning to use the video studio editor and using the functions inside.although i did not know ,but now i have known how to use it.

  16. i have learned of how to make a good video as we can use the video editor that can helkp us to edit a video to the make it a better and a prefect one to allow the people to see it as a prefect video .The lesson also allow us to add or change the video into a beter one which allow people to enjoy it and would able to allow them to remenber the video better .
    name:tay ming huei

  17. I have to learn to firm or edit videos by myself/groupmates.we had diffculties in firming as we does not have the time to firm. All of us were busy. we found a day at last to firm.

    Limxinyi , 1D'ians.

  18. i have learnt a lot of things in the lesson. filming is one thing i learnt in the lesson.filming a video is really difficult . if we have difficulty we will ask is just a school project not a real film

  19. I have learn filming and video editing in media literacy. It was quite difficult that some of it I have encounter was using the video studio it has a lot function to use although i do not know i got friends and teachers to help me.

    By:Muhd Nurhadi,1D

  20. In this group,I can say that I do not encounter the problems I had last time.With the software which is easy to use,I feel that my group can make it and produce better film and I might be using this for future projects.Acting and Producing a film is not an easy matter as I have to find free time to act.Well,eventhough we as a group has a packed scheledue,we finally managed to find time to perform and make this video a better one.

    Noor Amirah

  21. I have learned how to edit the video using the program, Ulead VideoStudio. Using this program to edit the video, the video is more nice to watch. I have also learn how to work well with my team members. I have learned how to use the video camera, learned how to insert the videos we have taken into the computer.

    /TayMingFang, #17.
    `1D :D

  22. i have learn alot of knowledge of things like video editing and how to film a video,though the journey was a little tedious it was still fun for me to film a video and edit it. i never knew that taking a video can be hard though it looked simple as it was very difficult to contact my group mates due to the weekends ,but we still forced ourselves to do this video and we completed it in time.
