Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Blog assignment 2 (blog comments) (Deadline: 11 April)

Examine the poster and post your answers to the following questions in the comments box. Remember to write your REAL NAME at the end of the comments.

1. What do you think are the equipments used to produce this poster?

2. What techniques are used to produce this poster? Elaborate on the following aspects:

a. Colour
b. Size
c. Creative Language
d. Others...

3. What is the purpose of this poster?
(What is this media trying to sell you?)

4. Who do think this poster is intended for?
(Which group of the population is this for and how do you know it is for them...)

5. What values do you think the poster is conveying?
(This is asking for your evaluation of the poster, whether the poster is effective. If it is/is not
effective, state your reasons? Is there any dangers when this poster is publicised to the
public? etc...)


  1. TanYingYi (19) 2D ;

    Photoshop .

    The colour use are bright . The size of the kinder bueno are just right . It's the original size of the real kinder bueno . The creative language really attracts me . They also uses 2 girl to express their creative language , " Double your pleasure ."

    This poster is trying to sell us chocolate .

    This poster is trying to attract mostly teenagers . They get to ask the guy to wear a geek spects meanwhile getting 2 teenage girl standing beside the guy .

    This poster is effective and it's definitely safe to publish .

  2. Photoshop.

    The color used was bright, seemly perfect for the contrasting color of the white and red theme. The size of kinder bueno are just right enough. The creative languages used attracts me, they even used two girls kissing the nerd guy with kinder bueno "Double your Pleasure"

    The poster is used to advertise and sell the chocolates.

    This poster is trying to attract teenagers and people who love to eat chocolates.

    This poster is effective and safe to publish.

    Phoebe Grace(03) 2D

  3. 1. What do you think are the equipments used to produce this poster?
    - Photoshop.

    2. What techniques are used to produce this poster? Elaborate on the following aspects:
    - The color is bright and can get attention. The size of the wording is big enough for the people to see. "Double your pleasure" letting two girls kiss one guy.

    3. What is the purpose of this poster?
    (What is this media trying to sell you?)
    - Trying to sell the chocolates, kinder bueno.

    4. Who do think this poster is intended for?
    (Which group of the population is this for and how do you know it is for them...)
    - Children, teenagers, and mostly for people who loves eating chocolate.

    5. What values do you think the poster is conveying?
    - It will be safe to publish the poster. It's effective.

    #20, MingFang. 2D \m/

  4. The colour used were striking/bright.The colour of the poster could also send people a message, for example the colour used for this poster mostly represent ,joyful,excitement,happy etc...It could tell us that after eating this chocolate we would have the same feeling as the colours of the poster.There are no high expectation for poster,as poster are small in size, they are meant for people to take a closer look for more information about a product.With or without the poster's exixtence i would still eat the chocolate whenever i want to as i have eaten it before.The poster are seriously important on the designs and information.The size of the character,words especially the keywords and kinder bueno were clearly stated.It Is also visible from certain view or distance as it did not used small details.I am impressed as they used simple words such as "Double Your Pleasure" to replace the small details.However,the creative language used does not attract me at all.They made used of a nerd guy to try on their product,after trying he got a kiss from 2 girls...which i think only appeals to the guys, makes no sense for girls to try.However for some, they might think that after trying they will feel as good as the nerd guy.The main objective is to attract kids,teenagers and adults as large group of people who usually buy or love to eat chocolate are coming from the age between kids,teenagers and adults.It is safe to publish the poster around as it mean no harm to people around.However it is not effective enough for some people as they may have high expectations on things they would have bought.

    Khor Jin Hui (5) ,2D

  5. I think the colours and the contrast use in this poster is good, and the whole poster makes it look attractive for the chocalate. Basically I think only guys would be attracted. Because it shows a guy was kissedby two girls, so how would girls would be attracted? But I think the models wearing the clothes' colour is the same as the kinder bueno. Because this will then able to make it more bettter, more obvious to show that it is use to advertise the chocalate.

  6. 1)Photoshop

    2)They use bright colour to attract attention and the font is quite interesting as they write "double your pleasure"and it shows two girls kissing a nerd guy.

    3)The purpose of this poster is to attract others to buy their products.

    4)They attract teenagers,children and others who like to eat chocolate.

    5)I think that this poster is effective and safe to publish.

    #wan fang(08)2D

  7. I think the poster is produce by photoshop. The colour of the poster is bright in colour as some of the shows, when the girl kiss the boy, the boy will be so happy and the screen will turn white as if they are dreaming or in heaven :D. The size of the poster must be big in order to attract people attention. The slogan "Double your pleasure" tells us that there is 2 flavour of this chocolate and when you eat, two girls will kiss you. The purpose of this poster is they want us consumers to buy and try the chocolate(Kinder Bueno). This poster is intended for us the consumers :D This poster is not persuasive as we are still young and we will not wish girls to kiss us as we've learnt media :D

  8. I think the poster above is made using Photoshop.The colour they use is also the same as the chocolate which is red and white.the two girls who are actually kissing the boy also wears a red and white scarf.This is to make the theme more lively.They are trying to persuade us to buy the Kinder Bueno and try out the new flavor if we had try the original flavor.It is for everyone but mainly focused on children and teenagers.There are certain danger of course like doesn't mean after eating kinder bueno,it will brings you happiness and people start to love you just of the chocolate.I dont think it will be effective..

    Noor Amirah (11)

  9. Photoshop. The colour of the poster is bright
    ,redish and white. They also adjusted the lighting of the picture so that the colour fits the vintage look of the models. They use creative short phrases "double your pleasure" to attract consumers attraction. The fonts of the wordings match with the background and fits the vintage theme.The advertisement is trying to sell a chocolate product:kinder bueno.I think the target groups are teenagers and children,because mostly the ones who are chocolate lovers are the youngsters.It is effective,but also harmful.The consumers will imitate the posture/action when buying the product. hongyu(29)2D

  10. 1) Photoshop.

    They use colourful colours to show that the advertisement is interesting.They show that the chocolate is nice to eat. And there are 2 ladies kissing the boy in the middle on the cheeks, that would help the advertisement to look more attractive. And the clothes that wear are bight colours to match the advertisement.
    The size are perfect. Pictures are big, the text is big enough to let people see.
    -Creative language.
    They didnt use any creative language, instead, they just choose english. Although its not any creative language, but its good. Cause most people will understand more clearly.

    3) The purpose of this media is wanting people to buy the chocolate above there. KinderBueno.

    4)Its mostly intended for teenagers as they need more sugar and energy. Teenagers also use lots of energy. Not really for children because their parent would not let them eat all those sweets etc. Not elderly because they need to stay healthy. They cant see all this sweets stuff.

    5)This poster is effective and also safe to publish.

    -Yingxuan :D , 14.

  11. Photoshop.The colour of poster is bright,it makes the poster attractive and interesting.It show that the chocolate is nice to eat and 2 ladies kissing the boy in the middle on the cheeks, that would help the advertisement to look good.I think that they are targeting teenagers and children,because most of them loves chocolate.There are certain danger of course like doesn't mean after eating kinder bueno,it will brings you happiness.And i dont think it will be effective. Spencer(37),2D

  12. Like always Photoshop... Contrasting colour on the background for the people displayed. And eating these stuff may not double your pleasure.
    Personally i dislike this advertisement cause it is to me some backwater dumb thing.

  13. 1. What do you think are the equipments used to produce this poster?

    2. What techniques are used to produce this poster? Elaborate on the following aspects:
    -the colour are bright the two ladies are quite attracting and the words are meaningful.

    3. What is the purpose of this poster?
    (What is this media trying to sell you?)
    - the kinder bueno. trying to tell us how good it is, and the taste.

    4. Who do think this poster is intended for?
    (Which group of the population is this for and how do you know it is for them...)
    - for those who love to eat chocolate, for teenagers and adults.

    5. What values do you think the poster is conveying?
    (This is asking for your evaluation of the poster, whether the poster is effective. If it is/is not
    effective, state your reasons? Is there any dangers when this poster is publicised to the

    - the poster is quite attracting. but is bad for kids as they will thought that eating kinder bueno after that they will have kisses from the attracting ladies.
    the poster is quite effective but not really fo me.

  14. photoshop. the colour of the photo is bright as shown.The size of kinder bueno are just right enough. The creative languages they used is that they even used two girls kissing the nerd guy with kinder bueno "Double your Pleasure".The poster is used to advertise and sell the chocolates.This poster is trying to attract teenagers and people who love to eat chocolates and it is safe to be shown to everyone

  15. photoshop maybe could be used in the advertisement.the colour is very bright,bright colours attract people attention so the advertisement would serve it purpose.the size of the poster is big enough for every detail to be seen clearly by everybody.creative language such as double your pleasure makes one feel what's is like when they try one.i think the advertisement purspose is to sell this kinder bueno product to the public by using this advertisement to show to the public how good or nice it is the product.

  16. Photoshop and other editting materials.

    The colour is attractive and just nice in contrast. The headings are large enough to see how the guy feels when he've eaten the chocolates.

    To advertise new flavours of the chocolate.

    For chocolate lovers and other people who loves trying new products.

    I think it is attractive and the chocolate will be loved by many people :D


  17. Photoshop

    The colour is attractive; Bright & Colourful

    To promote the taste and goodness of the chocolates

    People who love to eat chocolates

    It would be best selling.
