Tuesday, April 7, 2009

PBL 02 Journal 01

After watching the newscast on you tube,


answer the following questions:

1. Who created this message?

2. What creative techniques are used to attract my attention?

3. How might different people understand this message differently from me?

4.What lifestyles, values and points of view are represented in or omitted from, this message.

5. Why is this message being sent?


  1. -This message was created maybe when some of the NTU students saw the 22-years-old David Hartanto Widjaja lying unconsciously at the ground floor of the building.Some of them may be shocked as there are blood stains.And the students may called their teacher and the teacher called the police for investigations of David.
    -The reporter seems to speak very fluently without any errors or any tinge of nervousness. I focus on the interview as the interviewee is the eyewitness.
    -Maybe some people may be focusing about the broadcaster as it is the first speaker to say about that incident.
    -Some people find for the keywords from the incident and wanted to find out the details of the incident.
    -This message has been sent because to make sure that no one is repeating the same incident.
    ~Amira Yasmine(2)

  2. !This message was created by the NTU students after seeing David Hartanto Widjaja, 22 lying unconsciously at the ground floor building.
    !The blood that spattered at the crime scene and the interviewers as they are the eyewitness of the overall incident.
    !Maybe we have different personal view of thinking.
    !Students investigating what happened and what are the details of the incident.
    !Not to stab anyone without a valid reason. (LOL)

    Shiori, 14!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 1. Who created this message?
    Maybe by some of the NTU students who saw 22 years old David Hartanto Widjaja lying unconsciously at the ground floor of the building.2. What creative techniques are used to attract my attention?
    The blood that spattered at the crime scene.3. How might different people understand this message differently from me?
    They may be focusing at other thing ?4.What lifestyles, values and points of view are represented in or omitted from, this message.
    What happened during the incident.5. Why is this message being sent?
    Don't want people to stab people again ? ;X
    MingFang; 17 <3
    Onee'D-OhhhNineee :D.

  5. 1) The news script writer. It can't be written by student as it must be professional.

    2)The blood that splattered on the crime scene and the passerby.

    3)Maybe they read newspaper and understand?

    4)We can find some key words and some new words.

    4)Not to kill anybody for no reasons!

    Tan Yong Quan(36)
    1/D :D

  6. ->it was created maybe some of the NTU students saw 22-years-old David Hartanto Widjaja lying unconsciously at the ground floor building.
    ->The blood spattered at the crime scene and the interviewers as they are the eyewitness of the whole thing.
    ->maybe some of them watch the news,some of them see the newspaper while some of them surf the internet.
    ->things that happen during the incident.
    ->they do not want more of this kind of incident happen in the future! :]

  7. i would think that this news is created by people in ntu who had witness that incident.the scene that shows blood stains had actually attracted my attention on that news.apart from the blood stains what the broadcaster had said had also attracted my attention.''a student jumped to death after stabbing professor''this makes me curious of why the student stabbed the professor and jumped to his death.people might understand this message differently as some are busy and could only get information or news on newspaper.sometimes what news have may not appear in the newspaper.some people who are curious about such incident as it rarely occurs will try to get more details.there are many reason why this message is being sent.
    they might not want the incident to be repeating again and again,they may also wan people to know what had actually happened.

  8. -people who are investigating like reporters and news script writer. -the blood that was splatterd around the crime scene and the questioning of the students in ntu and the policemens. -they may think that david i a bad guy by doing this but i think that he surely has a reason for doing this. students who are investigating and curious about this matter or case. -Do not resort to violence.use other methods to settle things so that it won't hurt anyone or anybody.

  9. 1.I think the message is created by the ntu student.2.The blood that spattered on the floor.3.maybe they see the newspaper or surf the internet.4.not killing can solved problem.5.to let people know about thenews.
    jason chua shiun yeong (20)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. It can be anyone who created this message.It could be his friends,witnesses or even reporter.The subtitle attracts me because now,it's easier for me to understand and search for the meanings of the words that the reporter says.Most people will look up on the headlines/topic that attracts them.Most will look up on the broadcaster because people always thought that the broadcaster summarise everything.This message has been passed around so that people will be curious and did not want this problem being repeated again and to prevent it from students commiting suicide again and again..

    ~Noor Amirah(10)

  12. 1)a person who is good in technology as the video had been cut from th whole thing
    2)by hiding behind the wall to take more video on the dead body without being noticed
    3)i think that people could think that the message is quite disgusting as there are some blood scene but for me,its ok as i'm used scenes with blood
    4)better study rather killing somebody and myself.........
    5)maybe to give people more information than in tv


  13. 1. i think the message is created by the NTU students or the expert that concluded the whole crime.
    2.The blood that splattered and the passerbys.
    3.Some people like me might think that David Widjaja tried to kill the professor and commited suicide but some may think that after killing/injuring the professor David Widjaja might have accidently fell off the building.
    4.The university might want to find out the cause of this disaster,some might have nothing better to do and just tryto get attention.
    5.To make out or tell the people about this incident.

  14. In my point of view,it i most likely from a NTU student at the scene .The pictures or rather video shown in the broad-cast.It depends on what kind of person he or she is.The was a death of a student.

  15. I think that this message was created by some of the NTU students saw 22-years-old David Hartington Widjaja lying unconsciously at the ground floor building or it can be anyone. The person reporting to the new caster seemed to be speaking with a smooth and steady tone as people might have seen his fear in telling lies. Different people might felt differently about this incident, some people might be just focusing on the keyword that the reporter is talking or what he/she has understood for the news. The actions and different values like integrity have to be shown. It is to warm/tell people that killing someone are not the right thing to do, not to stab/kill anyone for invalid reasons and they do not want more of this kind of incident happen in the future.
    Felicia ;D
