Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Blog Assignment 3

Examine the poster and email your answers to the following questions to Remember to write your REAL NAME and INDEX NUMBER at your email. The deadline for this assignment is 23rd April.

1. Who is author or sponsor of this poster advertisement? Please explain your answer.

2. Who is the target audience of this poster advertisement? Please explain your answer.

3. What is the purpose of this poster advertisement? Please explain your answer.

4. What is the message of this poster advertisement? Please explain your answer.

5. What information is missing in this poster advertisement? Please explain your answer.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Answer Scheme for Blog Assignment 1 (Hyundai Car)

1. What do you think are the equipment used to produce this media?
The equipment should be video cameras to take the video footage, lightings to create the morning look, sound recorder to record the music and narration and green screen to create the footage of the baby surfing.

2. What techniques are used to produce this video?
Colour: The colour of the car is creamy white (to portray the idea of fun) which is used to contrast with the black car (which is normally used to portray serious).

Size: The main characters are little children could make the car look much bigger and give us the impression that it is very roomy. The surf board in the boot also creates an impression that the car is roomy.

Creative Language: This can be found in the song and the tag line of the video. In the song, it says, “The wayward wind is a restless wind, a restless wind that yearns to wonder…” They are trying to say that when you drive this car, you can fulfill your wishes and go where you want to go, do what you want to do…” “The next generation…is here.” is the tag line which is trying to say that when you buy this car, you are stylish and modern as you belong to the next generation.

3. What is the purpose of this video?
It is to show that Hyundai Stante Fe is:

• easy to drive: Even young children will be able to drive it.
• attractive and can impress: You can pick up your potential girlfriends in it and make people’s jaw drop when they see you driving it.
• multi-purpose: Car is driven on the road, on gravel, even on sand.
• For the next generation: Tag line (refer to question 2)

4. Who do you think this video is intended for?
This ad is directed at men who want a multi purpose vehicle who can impress girls and be seen as fun and exciting modern age men.

5. What values do you think the video is conveying?
Is is quite effective as the music helps to drive the happy mood of the car. The idea of using the car from the morning till sunset and having fun all the time and the car being the object of envy of everyone, makes it hard for anyone not to consider buying this car.

Stereotyping of man and woman’s roles in society is also portrayed in this commercial as the man is the one who drives the car and does all the fun things like surfing while all the woman does is to act cute, giggle and have admiring looks for the man.

However, the use of little children in this advertisement could have potential dangers. Being a commercial, you would be watching this several times a day. Little children might copy what was done in the commercial and attempt to drive their parent’s cars which could lead to potential accidents.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Latest Updates and Announcements

1) Deadline for the final poster project is in week 4 (12-16April 2010). Each individual student will have to hand in the following items:

i. Conceptualization Plan in the form of powerpoint with the three stages of planning- Exploration (Internet research and personal photographs taken with a digital camera), Development of personal ideas (at least 2 poster draft designs), typography.

ii. Individual write-up- An analysis of your poster using the following questions:
- What do you think are the equipments used to produce this poster?
- What techniques are used to produce this poster? Elaborate on the following aspects:

a. Colour

b. Size

c. Creative Language
d. Others...
- What is the purpose of this poster? (What do you want to convey to your audience through the poster?)
- Who do think this poster is intended for? (Which group of the population is this for and how the poster is appropriate for them?)
- What values do you think the poster is conveying? (Do you think the poster is effective? If it is/is not effective, state your reasons? Are there any dangers when this poster is publicized to the public? Are there use of any stereotypes?)

iii. Poster (1 soft copy per pair)- In Photoshop format

You are to submit items (i), (ii) and (iii) during your ML lessons in Week 4. Your ML teachers will pass around an external hard disk for you to save your work into. Please remember to label the documents with your name clearly.

2) Computer Lab 4 will be open for you to finish your posters on 5th Apr (Mon) and 8th Apr (Thurs) from 2-4pm.

If you are unsure of the requirements of your assignment, please approach your respective ML teachers asap.

We look forward to seeing all your brilliant and interesting poster products!:)

Blog assignment 2 (blog comments) (Deadline: 11 April)

Examine the poster and post your answers to the following questions in the comments box. Remember to write your REAL NAME at the end of the comments.

1. What do you think are the equipments used to produce this poster?

2. What techniques are used to produce this poster? Elaborate on the following aspects:

a. Colour
b. Size
c. Creative Language
d. Others...

3. What is the purpose of this poster?
(What is this media trying to sell you?)

4. Who do think this poster is intended for?
(Which group of the population is this for and how do you know it is for them...)

5. What values do you think the poster is conveying?
(This is asking for your evaluation of the poster, whether the poster is effective. If it is/is not
effective, state your reasons? Is there any dangers when this poster is publicised to the
public? etc...)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Individual Journal Assignment 1 (Deadline: 26 March 2010)

Analyse the commercial and answer the following questions...

1. What do you think are the equipments used to produce this poster?

2. What techniques are used to produce this poster? Elaborate on the following aspects:

a. Colour
b. Size
c. Creative Language
d. Others...

3. What is the purpose of this poster?
(What is this media trying to sell you?)

4. Who do think this poster is intended for?
(Which group of the population is this for and how do you know it is for them...)

5. What values do you think the poster is conveying?
(This is asking for your evaluation of the poster, whether the poster is effective. If it is/is not effective, state your reasons? Is there any dangers when this poster is publicised to the public? etc...)

Submit your answers through email to the following address:

Make sure that your name is clearly shown at the top of the email.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Final Poster Project (Deadline: Term 2 Week 6)

Visitors from Qatar and Russia are going to visit Jurong Secondary School in the upcoming Youth Olympic Games. Your school principal has mentioned that there will be a gallery showcasing the Jurong Secondary School students’ various interpretations of the school culture and values. You are invited to consider the significance of the school values and design a poster which encapsulates your interpretation of a school value.

In pairs, you are to produce a poster which accurately and convincingly captures the essence of your assigned school value. Every student will have to come out with an individual mind map, a conceptualization plan and a write-up which analyzes and evaluates your product for the visitors. You may like to consider the following questions:

1. What are the equipment you used to produce this media?
(example: digital camera - for the visual effects ...)

2. What techniques are used to produce this poster?
(example: Colour, Size, Creative Language, others..)

3. What is the purpose of this poster?
(What is this media trying to tell the visitors?)

4. Who do think this poster is intended for?
(Which group of the population is this for and how do you target them in the poster?)

5. What values do you think the poster is conveying?
(This is asking for your evaluation of the poster, whether the poster is effective. If it is/is not effective, state your reasons?)

The grading criteria is as follows:
Individual Mind-map, Individual Conceptualization Plan, Pair Poster: 50%
Individual Write-up: 50%

The deadline for all the deliverables is in Term 2 Week 6.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Blog assignment 1 (Deadline: 27th February midnight)

After watching the commercial, answer the following questions...

1. What do you think are the equipment used to produce this media?
(example: sound recorder - for the audio effects ...)

2. What techniques are used to produce this video?
(example: Colour, Size, Creative Language, othes..)

3. What is the purpose of this video?
(What is this media trying to sell you?)

4. Who do think this video is intended for?
(Which group of the population is this for and how do you know it is for them...)

5. What values do you think the video is conveying?
(This is asking for your evaluation of the video, whether the video is effective. If it is/is not effective, state your reasons? Is there any dangers when this video is broadcasted to the public? etc...)