Sunday, February 21, 2010

Blog assignment 1 (Deadline: 27th February midnight)

After watching the commercial, answer the following questions...

1. What do you think are the equipment used to produce this media?
(example: sound recorder - for the audio effects ...)

2. What techniques are used to produce this video?
(example: Colour, Size, Creative Language, othes..)

3. What is the purpose of this video?
(What is this media trying to sell you?)

4. Who do think this video is intended for?
(Which group of the population is this for and how do you know it is for them...)

5. What values do you think the video is conveying?
(This is asking for your evaluation of the video, whether the video is effective. If it is/is not effective, state your reasons? Is there any dangers when this video is broadcasted to the public? etc...)


  1. Songs and sound recorder are used to create audio.photoshop can also be used in this matter.It colours matched with the Hyundau colour logo and The sound was also in a happy mode.The purpose is actually to bring people forward to buy the car.It is more for parents as from the advertisement above,they think that their children will be enjoying their journey inside the car.Some people may get the idea wat they are trying to promote but if small little children look at this,they would definitely want to be the driver and wish to drive the car like waht is on the advertisement.

    Noor Amirah(11)

  2. songs, 3D picture and sound recorder is used to create the video. the colour is used to match the Hyundau colour logo and the car.the purpose is to attract people to is to show how the child enjoy the ride.this video is to promotethe car .

  3. 1) Sound recorder-for the sound/audio effects
    Cameras and green/blue/white cloth-background effects (road; beach and waves)
    Movie Editor.
    2) The theme of the house matches the colour for the baby, its light and very cool in the well as the car, its bright and catchy to eyes...the song sounds very old and expresses the comfortable feeling when you drive the car.
    3) The purpose of this video is to advertise the Hyundai car model; it was made to attract people to buy it.
    4) This video is intended for those who want to buy a comfortable car which their children will feel comfortable too. It will be also a good car for those who want to go for a holiday.
    5) it can be effective in attracting the buyers of cars as it shows that it is very comfortable and easy to drive in any surfaces even in the sand, on the other hand it is not a good advertisement when it'll be broadcast to the public, because the small children who watched it might think that they also know how to drive a car and try to drive their parents car.

    Phoebe Grace (03)

  4. The equipment use was sound audio to people thing that driving this car is a smooth drive and always make you happy. The techniques are using bright colours to attract people. The purpose of this video is to show the world that this is car is the best even a baby can drive this car. The intention of this video is for parents, this video shows that when they have this car they will a smoother drive and when driving this is more safer.This video is not really effective because this shows that the parent would let their baby drive this car.

    Muhd Nurhadi(30)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The equipment use was sound audio,to make people think that how good that this car engine, and also let people think that this is suitable for family.
    The techniques are to use the attracting video to attract people, like using nice scene, and also to show that even baby is also suitable for siting/ or to prove that this car is really good to use, even baby like to drive it.
    i think this video is main for those wanted to buy new car/for those who like good car.
    This video may lead untrue information,and also the video will lead children for bad behaviour like driving his own dad car/ play with the steering wheel.

    Ngi Li Ping(10)

  7. 1. I think that the equipment used are sound audios such like the song in the video.

    2.The colour of the outfit that the infant is wearing is white. It suits the background as well as the music-white represents pure and cheerfulness. The video has no dialogue but it showed actions of the infant; driving the car like an adult.

    3.The purpose of this video is to draw attention to the people (adults) to buy the Hyundai car.

    4. I think that the video is intended for adults as I can actually see that a man carrying a baby/infant at his back,looking at the car, amazed. His eyes shows about him being attracted to the car, looking without blinking his eyes. This may also bring attention to other adults too. (looking at how the baby enjoy the ride in the car)

    5.The video may be an effective as it shows the 'awesomeness' of the car. But it may also lead to a disvantage, some infants would believe/be confident that they could drive the car in the commercial too(like the infant in the video).

  8. The equipment use was sound audio to people thing that driving this car is a smooth drive and always make you happy. The techniques are using bright colours to attract people. The purpose of this video is to show the world that this is car is the best even a baby can drive this car. The intention of this video is for parents, this video shows that when they have this car they will a smoother drive and when driving this is more safer.This video is not really effective because this shows that the parent would let their baby drive this car and because of that many people will thing twice before buying the car cause they are afraid that if they had bought it the baby will steal it and drive

    Brendan (23)

  9. Yingyi (19) 2D;
    What i think is that green screen is definitely use in this video , this is to create a very smooth background that matches the car and the background.

    The next equipment use is definitely all sorts of audio thingy that they have , this is to make the video more interesting.

    This video brings a very direct message about it's selling cars.

    The clothes chosen may be a mistake as the baby toddler will look more cheerful in bright colours instead of white. However , the clothes colour does not affect much of the result shown. The whole video is very attractive :D

  10. 1) Sound recorder , songs are used to make this audio effects.
    2)The childern are wearing white t-shirt so as to fit the car colour and it has no languages .
    3)To tell the adults that if buying this brand car, your children will enjoy sitting inside the car etc. and the main purpose is to attract those adults to buy it.
    4)This video is specially prepare to those adults , especially those adults with children.
    5)The overall for this video is very attractive. but it has quite a number of disadvantage. Example if a kid saw this, maybe that kid would think that he can drive like the children inside the video too. so maybe the kid who saw this advertisement will go and try to do the same thing.

    - HUIXIN, 6.

  11. Sound recorders and many more were used to create the audio...They purposely use toddler as the main character to promote their car,to show that even kids were interested in driving cars,but they were not the one driving and choosing the car...In this video,while the toddler is driving he seems to enjoy the ride to many different places maybe its to attract the parents to buy this car so that no matter how long the journey is their kids will still be happy...The colour used were bright enough to show how cheeerful the toddler was...The song used was kind of sound like fairy tale it had made this advertisement like a dream as everyone knows tht kids dont know how to drive...

  12. 1)camera,sounds,musics,and audio effects such that it makes the baby look like a superman that can do impossible things.
    2)this video is very interesting and creative because it uses a baby,instead of a man,to drive a car.although the colour of the clothes the baby is wearing is white so it looks a bit plain,but the colour suits the hyundai car colour which is gray.
    3)the purpose of this video is to tell drivers around the world that hyundai cars are very smart,smart that even a baby can drive it smoothly.since a baby can drive a hyundai car so well,then a driver surely will have no problems then.
    4)this video is made for car drivers to let them know that hyundai cars can be very good,so good that even a baby have no problems driving with it.
    5)i think this video is not effective as everyone knows that a baby can't drive so they won't believe in this commercial.there are also dangers such that when a toddler sees it and understands it,he or she may also follow what is shown on this video,and something terrible will surely happened.
    -Jing Han

  13. 1) This video use the music to attract people, and the cute baby too. The music makes people feel excited about somethings that they do not know yet and they are eager to know about it.
    2)The colours matches, and the colours chosen are bight, that makes people nice looking at the advertisment.
    3)The purpose of the video is for adults who are looking for a right car and people that needs a car. Some people wanted to change their car but do not know what car to change. This video about car brand hyundai may help them.
    4)This video are intented for adults that are looking for cars and people who needs car.
    5)Some may think this video is effective because they might think the hyundai car is really good. Some may think that the vidoe is not effective to them because they might think other videos are better then this.

    -Yingxuan :D , ( 14 ) 2D .

  14. 1) th audio is.. soothing, relaxing, makes people relax while watching it.
    2)colours of backround perfect, th car stunning.
    3) purpose of this vid is to tell people tht it is easy and convinient to use as even a baby can drive it.
    4)intend for adults. attracting adults to buy tht car as its a family car too.
    5)This video may attract people to buy tht car as its easy to use. some may not as maybe they're afraid tht their children will somehow escape frm house, and if they're smart enough, they'll drive th car, but afraid tht there wll be accidents.

    Stanley(38) 2D (:

  15. 1)songs,sound recorder are used to create audio for the commercial.photoshop could also be use to edit pictures like unwanted parts in the commercial.
    2)the colour of the house and the baby shirt matches and the overall there is a balance of colour used which may help to smoothen feeling from the commercial.the song and the audio used also help as it is a very smoothe song.
    3)the purpose of this commercial is to sell hyundai cars.
    4)this commercial is maybe meant for the car is trying to promote people to buy there cars as there are many brands out there.they are trying to proof to all that their cars is easy to drive because they make use of the baby to drive the car.they are also trying to say that their car is adaptable to all overall they are trying to proof hyundai cars are the best.
    5)i think when hyundai company thought of using a baby as the driver they are trying to proof that their cars is one of the safetest cars.i still think of the negative point which is that some younger children may learn from this commercial and really try to drive a car and that is really dangerous.

  16. The equipments used to produce this media by using sound recorder or short music clips to create the audios or bgm. Colours and contrast matched the whole clip and probably the purpose of this video is to attract people to buy the car as by using a kid, it meant that the kid probably enjoyed the ride in the car. This advertisement should be for couples who have children as their children will probably enjoy their ride in the car like how the kid is. The ride in the desert show that the car can travel smoothly where ever it go, some childrens do not like humps and probably should always expect a smooth ride when their parents is taking them out for a ride.

    Shiori, 16

  17. 1)they use video camera to record the parts they needed for the video.
    2)they make the boy drives as to make people think that small kids like the car.
    3)the purpose of the video is to sell the car to families with children as the video shows that the kid like to be in the car
    4)its intended for people with children as the car has alot of space inside
    5)it may be effective to some people as they show how good the car is(spacious,comfortable,etc)

    SHAIK 36

  18. I.Songs, sound recorder are used to create audio for the commercial. Photoshop could also be use to edit pictures like unwanted parts in the commercial. Microphone to project the sound system of the advertisement.
    II.Colour; It matches well with the background and the shirt of the baby, using very bright and vibrant colours showing that the baby is very happy. Size, Creative Language using babies to project out their advertisement. Using a very soft and calming music in the background, to sooth the advertisement.
    III.The purpose of this advertisement is to show others that even babies are interested in the Hyundai car, showing that the car is very to drive even babies can manage to drive the cars freely on their own, adults will not have any difficulties driving the Hyundai branded car.
    IV.It is intended for adults and a mild percentage on children, as children likes the car, they would encourage their parents to buy the car.
    V.From my point of view, the advertisement is t advisable as others will not believe that babies will believe that babies will be able to drive cars. This will help boast the number of people buying the Hyundai car.


  19. 1. What do you think are the equipment used to produce this media?
    (example: sound recorder - for the audio effects ...)
    ; Camera for the shooting the video. Sound recorder for audio effects. Photoshop.
    2. What techniques are used to produce this video?
    (example: Colour, Size, Creative Language, othes..)
    ; The color of the background is suitable. They made of used of baby driving the car and use hyundai car.
    3. What is the purpose of this video?
    (What is this media trying to sell you?)
    ; Maybe it's trying to sell the hyundai car.
    4. Who do think this video is intended for?
    (Which group of the population is this for and how do you know it is for them...)
    ; For adults who have children. Showing them that the car have lots of space and can put lots of stuff when they go for a holiday.
    5. What values do you think the video is conveying?
    (This is asking for your evaluation of the video, whether the video is effective. If it is/is not effective, state your reasons? Is there any dangers when this video is broadcasted to the public? etc...)
    ; There may be some dangers if some little kids really go and try driving their daddy's car and meet with a accident.

    ;MINGFANG. 20. 2D'2010 :)

  20. Sound recorder,songs,photoshop and camera was used to create audio effect.They used the toddler as the main character to attract us such as the toddler was driving the car and waving to the other adult while was not driving,this will make an deep impression on the video as it was unusual.The purpose of the video is to attract the adults to buy hyundai car.This video is most suitable for middle aged group as they can afford a car. The video is not effective as this will give the toddler wrong thinking about when is the right time to drive.

    Hong Yu,(29)

  21. 1)They uses mainly computer to make this video. They photoshopped or used green screen as baby can't usually drive a car and surf. Now the world is advance in technology :D.

    2)This commercial uses baby to produce this commercial. The colour is very bright and relaxing.

    3)Us ;D chey...for adults who drive car :D

    4)It is effective as the car is spacious. This commercial is not suitable for children as they will feel that 'if he can drive why can't i?'

    T.YongQuan 2D (41) ((((:

  22. Sound recorder,songs,photoshop and camera was used to create audio effect.This tells us that the car can travel very quickly and smoothly.This video are intented for adults that are looking for cars and people who needs car.There may be some dangers if some little kids really go and try driving their daddy's car and meet with a accident.

    Limxinyi , 7 , 2D

  23. i think the equipment used to produce this media is by using songs and camera and sound recorder .this video is for young adults whom are willing to get a car.this video shows that adults should beaware of what the child is doing.i think the purpose is to sell the car and let people want to buy the car.

  24. ) Sound recorder-for the sound/audio effects
    Cameras and green/blue/white cloth-background effects (road; beach and waves)
    Movie Editor.
    2) The theme of the house matches the colour for the baby, its light and very cool in the well as the car, its bright and catchy to eyes...the song sounds very old and expresses the comfortable feeling when you drive the car.
    3) The purpose of this video is to advertise the Hyundai car mode.
    4) This video is intended for those who want to buy a comfortable car which their children will feel comfortable too.
    5) it can be effective in attracting the buyers of cars as it shows that it is very comfortable and easy to drive in any surfaces even in the sand, on the other hand it is not a good advertisement when it'll be broadcast to the public, because the small children who watched it might think that they can drive a car and try to drive their parents car.

  25. 1)they have used the photoshop and the green screen to help to make it into a exciting video
    they will used the green screen is for making the background look exist is real and photoshop to make it even better plus they also add some music to make us to be able to watch the video better

    2)they used a creative word by saying "drive your way" to prove to us that it can travel to alot of places or any type of road or ground

    3)The purpose of this video is to advertise the Hyundai car mode.

    4)they make this advertisment is to tell all parent which hav children and wanted to drive them to other places can buy their can which is safe for all age even the children

    5)this video is effective to buyer because it prove to us that it can travel far away and also able to travel on sand and got good thing in the car provide for us and is safe for childen for those parent who want to bring their childen out
    by: tay ming huei (43)

  26. 1)They have used photoshop to edit the effects of the commercial,and the green background to make more attractive.

    2)They also used slogan "drive your way" to tell people that the product can drive anywhere.

    3)The purpose of this video is to tell people the latest model of the hyundai car, and the function of the car.

    4)They show this advertisement to the public, but most importantly, is to let those adults have their own family and the financial to own a car, to tell them they can drive it safely with their children to places to play.

    5)This commercial is quite effective to those customers because it let us see that the car is able to drive other than on the road, also can on the sand. It also tell us that it can travel very far and this will also lead to harm the public. For example, if children saw the advertisement, they may think, "since people can drive, I also can drive, seems easy to me."

  27. 1. Colour, size and brightness.
    2. Sound recorders and camcorders are used for filming.
    3. This video talls people on a new mopdel of a car.
    4. It tells me that it is safe for driving
    5.It is effective as the car can drive off road and on road as well.
